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    Work From Home Studio Desk

    Writer's picture: JennieJennie

    Updated: Oct 16, 2020

    We were able to make it back to Texas for a bit and we decided to knock out a project we have been meaning to accomplish for MONTHS now! In ONE weekend we built a desk for our new office/recording studio! Check out the video below! But this video also had…

    MANY, MANY adventures wrapped up inside of it as well…

    The Desk Build

    Ever since we moved into our new place in Texas, we’ve been wanting an office space that would be perfect for everyday work (editing, filming, recording, etc.) that would have plenty of room for both Davis and I. This would require a desk setup that allows us to have our own space, but also makes it easy for us to talk back and forth, see each others’ screens, and have a clear view for recording videos.

    We wanted it to be similar in concept to the desk that Chris Salomone and Shaun Boyd recently made for their office – but we couldn’t quite fit a shape like that into our room. We ended up going with a long rectangular desk where Davis and I sit on opposite sides of each end and it works out perfectly!

    We also decided on this design because the top of the desk is essentially how we’re going to be building table tops for our kitchen tables in the future! It was really good practice for us! Basically, we wanted to take note of all our processes and see if there were any benefits or downsides of how we were constructing our tops.

    Aaannnddddd right out of the gate we realized that something was very wrong….

    There we were….buying Ash at our hardwood dealer for the top and front of the desk…all was normal. Until we got the wood home and realized that it had not actually been milled as much as it usually was. It seemed like a setting on their jointer was off…so we were left without a straight edge as a reference point. In the past we jerry-rigged our Rockler router fence to serve as a jointer…but that only works for smaller items….not massive 8/4 Ash boards. So what did we do?

    We bought a Jointer.

    A jointer that we had been putting off buying for MONTHS. A jointer we KNEW we would eventually need in the future if building large kitchen tables was truly going to be our business identity.

    This is our new Powermatic 8 inch helical head jointer.

    We’re super happy we finally bit the bullet and purchased our new jointer!

    We stopped, took a deep breath, and realized we needed to take our own advice and “Worry about the money coming in, not the money going out”. It’s time to make some solid sales and use the right equipment for the job. So here she is! Our new Powermatic 8″ helical head jointer. So far it’s worked like a dream! The top and front of our desk went together perfectly – it’s honestly the best table top we’ve made so far. Which is exactly what we wanted!

    Fusion 360

    We also modeled this desk in Fusion 360! Something we typically haven’t done in the past – but something we’ve been meaning to dive into! It’s a massive program and is capable of so many things – which makes it pretty intimidating. Which is probably why we waited so long to start learning it.


    Our friend Brandon from Make or Break Shop reached out to us about a course he created SPECIFICALLY for makers modeling furniture and other builds in Fusion 360!

    We modeled this office desk using Fusion 360. Our friend Brandon just came out with a brand new course on how to learn the software.

    I was honestly pretty proud of myself after this one!!

    Brandon is the one who edits the Making It podcast, the We Built a Thing podcast, and even has his own podcast, as well as his own YouTube channel!! So he is well-versed in exactly what makers need when it comes to a course in learning this software. Honestly, I (Jennie) have little to no experience in digital modeling, so I was EXTRA intimidated by Fusion 360. After going through Brandon’s course, I was able to model our new desk in just a couple hours!! He walks you through every detail you need to know from start to finish. Beginners, have no fear! We decided to partner with him to bring you this course at a discount!

    Use the link below to get $20 off of his awesome new course!

    We get a small kickback from the purchase, and it benefits Brandon and other makers as well. So if you want to support some makers in the community while learning a skill that you’ve been wanting to dive into, definitely give the course a try!!

    This post may contain affiliate links for products we used to create this project! If you’d like to check them out, we do get a small percentage of the sale and they are of no extra cost to you! It all goes towards supporting the content creation of Jennie and Davis. BUT – we do not take tool sponsorships and there were no tool endorsements. Just our honest opinions!


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