Well, here we are. It’s New Year’s Eve of 2019 – just a few hours until the NEW DECADE! It feels like Christmas flew by!!

For a lot of us, it’s probably the time where we’re thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions and all the plans (big or small) we have for 2020! For some of us, this can be really hard to do!!
Like honestly, what aspects of your life or future are important enough to you that you want to dedicate the next 365 days (and beyond) to them? Asking yourself a question like that can be kind of daunting!!
It takes self-awareness and a commitment to bettering yourself to make prosperous New Year’s Resolutions.
But you know what…we all have a limited number of “New Year’s Eves”. A limited number of times to jump at an opportunity. And here we are. Right in the midst of one….
I can’t think of a better time to face a potentially daunting task of commitment to self-care and self-improvement so that you can FINALLY start a journey you’ve always wanted to be on. Whether the goal is to better yourself, your family, or your environment, it’s never too late to take a step forward.
Davis and I are HUGE believers in taking leaps into what we’re passionate about – and we would love nothing more than to help you do that!
We may not be able to help with fitness resolutions (we’re a far cry from athletic trainers) or resolutions about watching less Disney+ (currently on episode 7 of the Mandalorian)
…BUT if you have any inkling to take what has been a HOBBY all these years and turning it into something bigger…we’ve got you covered!
A couple years ago we decided to prioritize our desire to start a woodworking business and developed plans to help others do the same. We did this in the form of online programs – designed to be organized, direct, and packed full of the information that got us on the path of starting a successful business.
We designed them with YOU in mind. We took inventory of what worked for us and continues to work for us. We also incorporated what DIDN’T work for us and how you can sidestep our mistakes to win more often. We cover topics like:
Developing a Business Mindset
How to Sell Your Work for Profit
How to Market and Find Customers
Meeting With Customers and Sketching Furniture

We are CONSTANTLY blown away by the feedback of new business owners who have used these programs as a springboard to start something AMAZING.
And for some of these people…they go on to join our group of other business-minded makers that continue to grow and give. This group is called the Stud Stack – a Facebook group of makers taking the leap to start their business. It’s $30/month and is a community where the big questions are asked and answered by us and other members of the group.
That woodworking business question you’ve been trying to Google for weeks and can’t find a good answer to? Yeah. We discuss those.

So I know that earlier I appealed to the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve and we’re about to start a new year and it’s the time we all usually set new goals. I know it may sound cheesy. But it IS an OPPORTUNITY. An opportunity to finally dive into the goals you’ve been wanting for months, years, decades!! Don’t let more time pass by. There’s no better time than today.
Today also just happens to be the start of a new decade 😉

But in all seriousness, if starting your business is one of your resolutions, we urge you to give the programs a shot…because that’s precisely what we’ve spent so many hours designing them for. Taking a leap…and starting something NEW. So if you’re one of those people who is ready to take a step toward a profitable business, go to our website and use code NYE20 to get 20% off any of our online Programs between now (December 31st, 2019) and January 10th, 2020!
Let’s win in 2020.
#business #2020 #NewYear039sResolution #startingabusiness #NewYearsEve #goal #NewYear #goalsetting #goals
This post may contain affiliate links for products we used to create this project! If you’d like to check them out, we do get a small percentage of the sale and they are of no extra cost to you! It all goes towards supporting the content creation of Jennie and Davis. BUT – we do not take tool sponsorships and there were no tool endorsements. Just our honest opinions!